Online Wednesday Workshop – Know your numbers – designed especially for Soul-preneurs to help them engage with their business finance. As a soul-preneur, you probably didn’t start your business with the finances in mind, I suspect you wanted to share your gifts and make a difference.


All businesses need to make money, and the more money you make, the more you can do in your own life and for your clients. Do you know how much money you made last week?

Facilitator – Sharyn with a Why

Wednesday Workshop
Breath of Business – Business and Finance for Soul-preneurs

In these sessions we are going to tackle your business numbers and money concerns in 3 ways.

  1. We’ll use Breathwork and guided meditations to help you access your conscious and unconscious limited beliefs and to create the right space for you to look at your business numbers. There is an opening and closing breathwork to help sooth your nervous system and create the best space.
  2. Then we’ll have some teaching around business finances and running your business.
  3. Finally there is space for you to implement whatever we have learned.

I also encourage you set a intentions for the next month until we meet again.

You can join us for one session or join us every month to make sure you stay on track!


This is an online workshop – we will meet using Zoom

Date and Time

2nd Wednesday of Every Month – 10am to 4pm UK time zone.

Ticket link and Price

You can book a ticket here on Eventbrite, tickets are £55 for the full day

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