While breathwork isn’t a direct weight loss method, it can support weight management efforts:

  1. Stress reduction: Lower stress levels can reduce stress-eating and cortisol-related weight gain. I can attest to this one directly!
  2. Improved sleep: Better sleep quality, often resulting from breathwork, is linked to healthier weight. And this one too!
  3. Mindful eating: Breathwork promotes mindfulness, which can extend to eating habits and the management of food cravings
  4. Emotional regulation: Better emotional control may reduce emotional eating.
  5. Increased body awareness: This can lead to more conscious food choices.
  6. Exercise enhancement and Metabolism support: Breathwork can improve exercise performance, indirectly supporting weight loss, and some breathwork practices including diaphragmatic breathing work directly with the core muscles.
  7. Digestive function: Some techniques may support better digestion such as Kapalbhati Pranayama.
  8. Hormone balance: Stress reduction through breathwork may help balance hormones related to weight.

I can personally attest to impact of stress reduction and better sleep. Combined with fasting and the removal of Ultra Processed Foods, my weight reduction programme continues. The usual caution applies thought, make sure you are fully supported and listening to your body whenever you introduce changes to your lifestyle. If necessary from an informed professional.


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