What do you enjoy about breathwork and how has it helped you?

I love absolutely everything about breathwork. The power of the breath, what it brings, and what it can teach us never fails to amaze me. Breathwork has helped me the most with grief. It helped me become friends with it, rather than fearing and repressing it. It helped me understand and connect with myself, teaching me that I am strong enough to face whatever is thrown at me.

Where did you complete your training (or where are you still in training)?

Graduate Facilitator, and 2nd Year Mentor and Teacher at Breathing Space

What is your personal journey?

I came to breathwork through a bit of an unconventional way. I was on a placement year from university, working in an NHS immunopsychiatry clinic, and my supervisor offered me a selection of projects to become a research assistant for. A project on breathwork caught my eye, and joined the research team for the first year and then creating my own breathwork research project for my final year dissertation. All through this I still hadn’t actually tried breathwork. After learning every in and out of breathwork, I was really apprehensive as I knew I had a lot to come out and I didn’t feel ready to face it.
I was invited to a session (by none other than Duncan Bailey of Breathing Space) and fell in love.
Yes a LOT was released but, as we know, the breath never takes us where we are not ready to go, and I began to foster a relationship of trust and strength within myself. This grew with every breathwork session and eventually i knew this was something I had to train in and share with the world.
I graduated at the beginning of October 2024 and run (almost) weekly sessions now. Every session teaches me more and more, and allows my love for breathwork to grow exponentially.

What do you stand for, and what do you stand against?

I stand for safety, comfort, love, creativity, non-judgement, respect of boundaries.

I stand against prejudice and judgement.

What is your greatest wish for your clients

My greatest wish for my clients is that they are able to release their trauma, heal their emotional wounds, and awaken their power within.

Contact Details

website :- www.breathworkwithlottie.co.uk

email :- lottiebreathwork@gmail.com

instagram :- @breathwork_with_lottie

tiktok :- @breathwork.lottie


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