your 121 evolution

To be seen, to be heard, to take the next step with a personal guide makes a powerful impact 

Evolution or Transformation?

We love definitions that support what we are offering to our clients, the definition of transformation is a great example - a marked change in form, nature, or appearance beautifully supporting the outcome you will receive from a committed and purposeful breath journey with us.
Yet, we also like the word Evolution and chose it very consciously to describe what we offer with our 121 breath explorations. For where transformation is often understood as ‘extraordinary’ or ‘dramatic’, evolution is gentle and quiet, almost happening without you noticing, until you look back at where you were at the beginning of the journey and where you are the end, of course.
The definition of evolution is very biological and speaks of incremental change that happens in response to the environment over many generations. It includes the origin or source material and then the minute changes that happen over time. This perfectly describes our approach to personal wellbeing.

Working together 

We start from the position of you being more than enough just as you are. Right now. Meeting you there we explore your joys and your heartaches.
However, we also recognise that you are looking for something different and so as we delve into your various states of being – your physical, mental, emotional, and soulful bodies – that has all contributed to your current state, your now.
We also encourage you to recognise all that you could be in time – past, present, and future – taking this approach enables you reframe the past, to accept the present and to consider all the potential available to you, now and in the future.

what a 121 evolution involves

An initiation: a rite of passage honoured at the beginning of our time together with an invitation to ask "What do I want?" and is this what you actually need. Let's explore through the lens of the breath and the enquiry of questions to delve into establishing the truth of where you want to go and who you wish to evolve into. A 90 minute breathwork and coaching workshop.

10 x Bespoke Breathwork Sessions: together we will work through deconstructing limiting beliefs, fears, old stories and ideas which keep you stuck. We work with the elements to create your true desire, to unleash creativity, passion, courage and heart to remove all obstacles and align you to this next persona you are evolving into. We empower you to regulate your emotions, to settle tension and stress and manage the here and now. We breathe away the drama and chaos to find peace, harmony and the wisdom of your being. We find nourishment in you fully expressing the whole of you. 

An integration: you've travelled a journey, stayed the dragons and embraced the rewards but before jumping in joyful celebration of the new you, let us review your evolution and recognise the impact of the changes you have made. Allow your body, mind and soul to fully integrate the experience into the very essence of your cells. A 90 minute breathwork and coaching workshop.

Time Frame + your investment

We work together. You, Sharyn + Claire over a 6 month time frame. We meet over Zoom unless prior arrangement to meet in person. Please note, we are both very experienced at delivering a deep and powerful transmission over Zoom. Our bespoke breathwork sessions are delivered at either 2 weekly intervals but that can be adapted and changed to suit life happenings. The bespoke sessions are with either Sharyn or Claire as deemed suitable for the experience needed. 


We offer payment plans on request. 


Please apply by clicking the button below to email us at Beyond the Breath.  Let us know how a 121 evolution will be of benefit to you and how we can ensure you get what you need from our personal attention. We will then arrange a call to get to know you and we will then proceed with the process once we are all ready for this amazing journey together and all the benefits it will bring to you.