


It was early in August

“Take a look at where the Sun meets Mercury Retrograde in your chart, that will give you a clue as to the cosmic invitation or potential theme for your project. For all of us this is in the sign of Leo (Creative Self Expression), and in my chart 26*35 of Leo it’s in the 11th house (Community, groups and friendships)”

I’ve worked with Mercury as a project guide for many years. The cosmos gifts us with 3 invitations a year to give focus and attention to something for about 4 months, which from my experience as a project manager, I know is a great timespan to do something significant whilst still maintaining momentum.

Sometimes I’m passive in the invitation, aware of Mercury’s cosmic invite and holding it lightly, allowing and responding to what unfolds, and sometimes I’m more active and engaged.

As Mercury began to turn retrograde on the 5th August 2024, I realised that the new project invitation would come about on the 19th August 2024 (when Mercury Retrograde met with the Sun), this would be just 2 days after I left a rather toxic job. The synchronicity was not lost on me, and I knew that this would be especially powerful for me to engage actively with this cycle, especially as I moved through the grief process and reintegration into a life without a job for a while. So, I took my own advice (how often do we forget to do that?!) and I consciously tuned into what was waiting to be birthed.

The fact that you are reading this, is a testament to the outcome of that Mercury Project. Beyond the Breath Magazine.

I’ve had the idea of a Breathwork Magazine for some time. A place where Breathwork Facilitators could share their experiences with breathwork, bringing together all their knowledge and wisdom in life and combining it with Breathwork. I was also aware that as Breathwork became more popular, there were several courses and workshops popping up, that promised to teach Breathwork Facilitation in the blink of eye. I wanted to create a space where the Breath Curious could come along and explore the breath, and their own relationship with the breath, in a place that was supported by high quality training.

I’ll be honest here too; this was not just altruistic. I knew that I needed a community, a place where I could freely express myself, where I could surround myself with people that I would like to spend time with, and a place where I could share my skills and purpose. I knew I wouldn’t find this on any of the social media platforms that I knew of, and so I began to explore creating my own community steeped in my own values. One that didn’t rely on algorithms, wasn’t controlled by a huge corporate business, and could be handled by me – with my hubby working in the background on some of the tech things!

In short, I needed to find my voice and I needed a community, everything Mercury was inviting me into.

All of the planetary cycles give us 8 invitations to engage with the ebb and flow that cycle. The moon is the most obvious to us, as she waxes (grows) and wanes (contracts) in the sky for us to see, she’s a great example of how life is not meant to be lived at full throttle all the time. We are supposed to ebb and flow, inhale and exhale. When I began to engage with the dance of Mercury and the Sun, I chose to work with just 4 of those points in the cycle, akin to seasons.  

So around about the middle of August this year, as I became acquainted with my own home office again, and the Winter of the Mercury Cycle began. It’s a time to go within, and the seed is planted. It’s a quiet reflective time, used to explore and define our project intention or mission. During this phase I let the idea of a Magazine percolate.  I rested, I started to chat about the project, and to see how it sounded and felt as I discussed it. I let the seed of the idea find roots.

We moved into the Spring energy of the cycle at the end August. The Spring is where we explore possibilities, test, research and measure the outcomes. What works, what doesn’t. To use the seed analogy, we are pricking out some of the shoots to allow space for the plants that are left to grow strong and vibrant. In this phase we are planning and preparing as we establish the outcome. During this phase we researched technical platforms, began to map out the site directory – playing with the menus and layout. We researched article topics and began to gather scientific research, and I began to consider my voice. What I wanted to stand for and who I wanted to be as I grew into this new role of Curious Curator. At this point it still felt ethereal, and I didn’t do much real planning, although now I think it might have been helpful to!

The Summer of the cycle came around at the end of September. Summer is where we are full steam ahead. We have decided on our direction, our plans are in place, and we are taking regular action towards making it a reality. To continue with our little seed, we are now going from a bud to a flower in full bloom, attracting the bees and other pollinators to bring life and colour to our project. At Beyond the Breath, we now had a prototype and could start to talk to people about contributing. I created an area in my members site where I could capture the articles and the biographies of new authors, and I found lots of blogs and writing of my own that I wanted to include (I’m still uploading these bit by bit!) and most importantly I began to speak to Breathwork Facilitators about the project, inviting them to contribute. First within Breathing Space, the school where I trained to be a facilitator and I now teach.

I soft launched the magazine on astrological Samhain the 6th November. It marks the anniversary of my first ever public breathwork in 2020 and felt fitting. We still have some tech issues to sort and of course we need more contributors and a readership, the growing of which will continue now as part of my every day work life, but it’s thanks to Mercury’s cosmic invite and the willingness to listen, to respond, and to act that you are reading this article and hopefully many more in the months and years to come.

And so, you find me here now, nearing the end of the summer cycle, knee deep in social media ironically, as I work out how to expand the readership and to expand the offer to other Breathwork schools that are also accredited by the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, our closest thing to a regulatory body.  

We are again about to enter the Autumn of this Mercury cycle, when Mercury goes retrograde on November 26th 2024, where the invite is to put on the finishing touches, we are tidying up loose ends, gathering the fruit of our labours in seed terms. We are reflecting on our journey with Mercury as our guide, we are celebrating our accomplishments, and we are bringing the project to a close before we enter Winter again and a new project begins. At that point I will begin to systemise what we’ve created so I can manage it going forward as part of a normal work day.

There is still a way to go, but I am immensely proud of what we have birthed, and I smile daily as someone new submits an article, or I meet someone in the Writers Circle I launched alongside the magazine for those who need a bit of coaching and support, to begin or to continue to write and creatively express themselves.  

Our new cosmic invite starts on December 6th 2024.  I will consider a new project, as I’m writing this I’m wondering what it will be. I have loved engaging with Mercury in an active and conscious way to harness the energy of the cosmic invite and create something that I hope will last for a very long time.

Would you like to join me in running a project for your life or business in line with the cosmos? Pop along to my free Zoom session on 26th November at 7.30pm UK time and I’ll take you through the process. I’ll give you all the key dates for each season in the cycle. I’ll talk you through the cosmic invitation depending on the house in your chart where Mercury and the Sun will meet, and we’ll discuss the flow of the cycle through the project so you can begin to vision the outcome. And of course we’ll breathe together.

You can sign up by visiting https://members.sharyn-with-a-why.co.uk/mercury-project-workshop

Sharyn with a Why – Founder and Curious Curator of Beyond the Breath Magazine.

Astrologer, Breathwork Teacher, Cosmic Coach – a supportive guide for Soulpreneurs in life and business – May you remember your true nature and live in stress-free alignment

To find out more about Sharyn with a Why, take a look at her Profile in Practioners Corner

Hey there! Welcome to Beyond the Breath, an online breathwork magazine that starts with breathwork as the golden thread in all the work we do, but then it moves beyond, into other modalities, into life and into business. I hope you enjoy the magazine. From the wide range of articles and experiences to the beautiful contributors and the community feel.

If Breathwork is a bridge not only to our inner selves, but also to other modalities and offerings then Beyond the Breath is a magazine and directory where all breath workers can share their offerings and speak about their experiences – with breathwork as the common thread and bridge. It provides a validated, yet open place of safety for those curious about Breathwork to explore and indulge their curiosity.  

All our contributors are trained breathwork facilitators, and you’ll find their contact details and website at the bottom of each of their articles, if you’d like to contact them or follow their work and if you are an accredited Breathwork Facilitator and you’d like to contribute an article yourself, pop over HERE to submit your article for approval.

The philosophy of Beyond the Breath is as simple as ABC. Accessibility, Be kind, and Community. You’ll never be asked to sign in to read an article or post a question, isn’t it annoying when that happens?!

There is a newsletter sign up form that does require your email, however you only need to sign up if you’d like to be reminded of our work each month as new articles are added and shared. I’ll pop in with some (hopefully) interesting thoughts too as part of the newsletter.

There’s no censorship here, your experience is valid and witnessed, but so is everyone else’s, so please remember, first “Be Kind”. That’s as a contributor and as a reader sharing comments. If you begin with kindness there really isn’t a need for any other rules.

One last thing before I share a little something about me – if you enjoy what we do, please follow us on all the usual socials and perhaps even share our articles! You’ll find the link to the socials in the header and footer of the website.

So, a little about me. My name is Sharyn, I’m the founder, editor and curious curator of Beyond the Breath, as well as being an Astrologer, Breathwork Teacher, Cosmic Business Coach for Soulpreneurs – all with the intent of guiding you towards remembering your true nature and living in stress-free alignment.

I’ve been on quite a journey with this myself, taking many years to learn to integrate the two very different sides of me – the corporate finance wizard and the cosmic coach, whilst walking with depression as my companion. I often say my life is a game of 3 halves, from a struggling and lost young adult, to a successful corporate career culminating in self-employed burn-out, then finally to where I am now – A Soulpreneur running a multi-faceted business that feels as natural as breathing.

If you’d like to know more about my work, you’ll find my Hybrid Breathwork Facilitator Training on the events page, and a special section called Business of Breathwork in the Community and Experts space with lots of useful tips for your own Soulpreneur journey. If you’re running your own Breathwork or Wellbeing business (or you’d like to) and you need support with your finance and business operations, you’ll find all my offers on members.sharyn-with-a-why.co.uk along with a Loving Business Community that’s free to join!

As my gift (also no email required) please press play to enjoy a free Harmonic Breathwork for nervous system regulation and stress reduction below.

🌟 Begin your next life/business project with Mercury as your guide! Join our FREE online interactive workshop on 26th November, 2024 at 7.30pm UK time. 🌟


Sharyn with a Why would like to invite you to this interactive workshop via Zoom, exploring the cosmic invitation for life and/or business from Mercury, including those pesky retrogrades.

Place / Venue

Online via Zoom – a recording will be available for a limited time.

Date and Time

26th November at 7.30pm UK time – check your timezone with this time zone convertor. 


🌟 Begin your next life/business project with Mercury as your guide! Join our FREE online workshop on 26th November, 2024 at 7.30pm UK time. 🌟

Are you ready to take charge of those pesky Mercury retrogrades, and use the cosmic energy invite to create a transformative project in your life or business?

You are in the right place, I LOVE working with Mercury! Mercury loves working with us on our projects!

Our live 90-minute online workshop is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge you need to harness this cosmic project superhero, and walk away with a clear roadmap to achieve your goals. In this dynamic and interactive workshop, you will learn:

🚀 Why Mercury is the planet best placed to support your next focus or project, and how the cycle between Mercury and the Sun is your energetic guide

💡 You’ll receive all the key dates that you need for each season in the cycle and an understanding of how you might approach each season.

🌟 I’ll talk you through the cosmic invitation for your project, depending on the house in your chart where Mercury and the Sun will meet, and we’ll discuss the flow of the cycle through the project so you can begin to vision the outcome.

And of course, we’ll breathe! 

By the end of this workshop, you will walk away feeling clear about your project path, and ready to celebrate the onset of Mercury Retrograde as you’ll be able to engage with the cosmic energies with your new found knowledge and wisdom! 

But wait, there’s more! Not only will you experience this live workshop, but you’ll also have exclusive access to the replay for 3 weeks. This means you can revisit the content at your convenience, reinforce your learning, and dive deeper into the valuable insights shared during the session.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to work with the natural cycles and rhythms of nature and invite Mercury to be your project manager and guide! Register now for our live 90-minute online workshop today – it’s FREE, it’s informative and I hope you’ll find a new and cosmically supportive way to bring focus to  a life or business project!

PS – Housekeeping info – This is a live workshop and participants will be recorded. I’d encourage you to have your camera on and to get involved as this will enhance your experience, but if you’d rather not be recorded or you are not in a suitable place to be recorded, I’ll show you how to change your name to anonymise yourself, and you can keep your camera and microphone off throughout. 

Cost and Link for Tickets

Sign up here – Mercury Project Workshop