


When I started to explore having my own business, I was completely and utterly unprepared for the reality! I was sure my corporate experience would stand me in good stead, and it did to a degree, but I still had so much to learn. Here is a list of some of the things I’ve learned, do let me have your thoughts in the comments below, and of course book a session if you’d like to go deeper and explore you and your business together.

  1. You are the most important asset in your business – be kind to yourself, take special care of you
  2. You are probably the hardest boss you never had – see point 1!
  3. Book time off (NOW!), you must protect yourself from burn out – see point 1!
  4. You can’t do everything yourself (you will become a jack of all trades and master of none) find the WHO’s that you need in your business and outsource tasks to them
  5. Understand the fundamentals of what you are outsourcing before you ask others to help, it prevents costly mistakes
  6. Aim for mastery, anything else is just the same as anyone else
  7. You need a business family – your own family (and friends) simply don’t cut it as a sounding board, they love you too much and they bring their own sh*t to the party!
  8. You need FOCUS to work for yourself. There’s lots of bright shiny objects to distract you, all cunningly disguised as being a busy business owner!
  9. Don’t be drawn in to the ‘shoulds’, you should run your life and your business your way – yes, I’m aware of the irony
  10. Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry! Get a coach, or a specialist to help you BEFORE you need it, otherwise it’s like shopping when you’re hungry – you buy crisps, cream cakes and biscuits, instead of fruit and veg. And that can be costly in time and money (and the waistline!)
  11. Get your systems in place – there are so many benefits to documenting your systems, but primarily, if it’s in your head it’s not repeatable, so your quality is subject to your mood
  12. Make progress every day, doing that builds momentum which has a compound effect, doing just 1 thing every day moves the needle way more than 365 steps in a year!
  13. You no longer get paid for every hour you work – You need to spend time growing your business and running your business, these hours are not ‘paid’ for
  14. You will very likely undercharge your first few clients – constantly review your pricing and learn to appreciate your value
  15. Keep going, until it’s time to stop. When the going gets tough, become still. In the stillness you’ll find the next step, whether that’s moving on in the business or moving out of the business.
  16. And finally, (in the same way that super actors are listed at the end of the film credits, this is the biggie) You must understand your numbers – it’s the one area that will make a huge impact on your decision-making capabilities – and usually the last area people want to get into .. to their detriment!

About the Author – Sharyn-With-A-Why

To find out more about Sharyn, take a look at her profile in Practitioners Corner

What do you enjoy about breathwork and how has it helped you?

Breathwork changed my life and it gave me my mission, to light up the world with Breath.

Where did you complete your training (or where are you still in training)?

Graduate Facilitator of Alchemy of Breath in 2018
Founder of Breathing Space

Are you trained in any other modalities?


What is your personal journey?

The classroom felt suffocating. Teaching had been a dream, but somewhere along the way, it turned into a nightmare. Every day, that resignation letter burned a hole in my pocket, a desperate reminder that this wasn’t sustainable. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I finally did what seemed impossible: I walked away. Grabbed a few belongings, hopped on a motorcycle, and disappeared into the vastness of India.

Nepal called me next – the mountains, the clarity of the air, felt like a lifeline. It was there on Everest Base Camp that I met my incredible wife, Jennifer. But change doesn’t come in neat little packages, does it? In 2014, I stumbled on a breathwork session that turned my world upside down. With just a few breaths, I found something I’d spent years searching for: clarity, connection, and a deep sense of purpose.

I knew I’d found my calling. I did the training…but now what? I was frustrated as hell! Where was the support? Mentorship? Community? So typical, isn’t it? We’re taught these incredible techniques, but nobody teaches us how to thrive in the real world. Not wanting others to face that same isolation, I decided to create what I was missing.

Back in the UK, at one of my lowest points and with very limited resources, I was desperate not to return to teaching.

I started small. “Pay-what-you-can” classes in a local Quaker Meeting House, attracting a group that was small in number, but huge in heart. That was just the start.

Soon I was organizing retreats, and as people experienced the power of the work and the warmth of the community we were building, things took off organically.

Breathing Space evolved from my own need for transformation and belonging, fueled by my conviction that everyone deserves to step into their potential with strong support at their backs.

I’m Benedict Beaumont, proud founder of Breathing Space.

My mission? To help you master the life changing art of breathwork, elevate your business, and create a ripple effect of positive change.

What do you stand for, and what do you stand against?

For : – Community and Connection, Empowerment, Opportunity, Support

Against :- Keeping ourselves small

What is your greatest wish for your clients

That the light inside them turns in a blazing beacon that shows the way for others and gives them permission to light up too.

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