


I don’t know about you but I have sometimes lost my equilibrium as I stressed over issues I cannot control in my life, or imagined negative future events. On those days I need conscious connected breathwork more than ever. It’s also on those days that I resist this work more than ever.

Before discovering breathwork, I would sit in my familiar discomfort and gradually lose more and more stability. The consequences of not dealing with my emotions would make me edgy and unsatisfied with life, and then I would wonder ‘how did I get here’?

Now I know better. I find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and I start breathing. No pauses at the top, no pauses at the bottom. The first few minutes are really uncomfortable. As I move through the layers of my mental defenses, I feel as if I am ripping through myself. My mind does not want to give up control and I want to quit. I want my familiar dark. But I push and I embrace the uncertainty of letting go of my mind. It feels risky, but I am brave. Eventually, I surrender to my body and there is no more fragmentation. I become an ocean of waves rising and collapsing into myself.

My mind and body are one, sweet consciousness experiencing itself. What the breath brings I never know until it happens. Sometimes I desire a release but it doesn’t come. Sometimes I set an intention to bring clarity or resolution to a problem, but the breath delivers clarity on something else, unrelated to what I was fussing about. When I finish, the session I am strangely whole and relieved even though my wish for a specific outcome didn’t come to be. The darkness has dissolved. The confusion is gone.

I have come to understand that sometimes in order to resolve one thing, you first have to grasp another truth, which in turn resolves the one you were concerned with. Truth unveils in layers and in a kind of order sometimes. It’s not linear and it’s not black or white. I have learned to let go of outcomes and just focus and trust the breath to illuminate what needs to be revealed. The breath knows better. There is safety in this trust.

The breath is the light, not just on your truth, but on truth itself.


To find out more about Jasmina take a look at her profile in Practitioners Corner

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, finding moments of true peace and clarity can be rare. At least that’s how I’ve felt for most of my life. My brain is often so busy that I can use the wrong words in a conversation because I’ve got so far ahead of myself that my voice can’t keep up with the chatter in my mind.

I tried so many things – reading, meditation, yoga, walking, music – but nothing really worked long term. I might get five minutes of distraction or hyper focus, but then my mind would start chattering again. And it was so frustrating! Where was this quiet, calm space in my mind that everyone has and I just couldn’t access?

It wasn’t until I found breathwork in 2022 that I understood I’d been going about it all wrong. I realised that I’d been trying to do something I didn’t have the skills for yet – jumping way ahead of myself instead of starting at the beginning. Five minutes of quiet mind space with no brain chatter is actually really hard without the “training” that leads up to it. And those people that can do it have been doing it a really long time!

Finding moments of daily clarity was the starting point for me. Because the mental quiet was so alien to me, my brain was finding ways to keep the noise going – it literally didn’t know what to do with the quiet, peaceful space. So just learning to stop, close my eyes and focus on taking a breath was so simple, yet so profound.

And as cliche as it sounds – it changed my life.

A simple breath can bring me out of the mental chatter and back into my body with very little effort. And over time, I’ve learned to lengthen those initial few seconds and sit with the quiet. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t – I have to keep reminding myself that I’m undoing a lifetime of chatter and it’s not the end of the world if I don’t get longer than a few seconds. What matters the most is that I take that conscious breath, and another, and another, and keep the momentum going.

The simple effectiveness of this snared my interest – if this worked for me, then what else was I missing? And of course, it wasn’t enough to just learn the techniques, I wanted the full on journey of learning for myself and then to take it out into the world. I was already a coach, so adding another string to my bow was a no brainer!

Over the course of the last year, during my breathwork facilitator training, I have learned so much more than I ever thought I could. More techniques, more clarity, and more personal development journey than I ever expected.

Learning to breathe consciously was the biggest game changer for me. Breath is the only automatic bodily function we can consciously control and it can significantly affect our emotional state. So learning to wield it as a tool as well as it being the thing that keeps us alive, is about the most useful thing we can ever do for ourselves.

I use breathwork every day for myself – keeping the simple breath, but also using coherence breathing to slow down, or even just noticing my breath pattern and changing it consciously so it supports me rather than running away with my emotions.

Every time I dive into breathwork for myself, whether I’m doing it solo or it’s being guided by someone else, it always feels like a fresh experience. It could be something as straightforward as a box breath to regulate my system, or a more intense conscious connected breath that brings about real energy shifts. Especially if you are being led by someone else – them holding space for you to grow and change feels so nurturing. And it’s an experience we often miss out on in adult life.

Because facilitating breathwork for someone else is always an honour – that person is putting their trust in me, allowing me to direct them into changing the very thing that keeps them alive. And even if it feels edgy or uncomfortable at the time, the after effects will always be the thing they need. The breath is clever like that!

And no matter the technique, breathwork is a seriously powerful practice. One that shouldn’t be underestimated, but one that we all should be taking seriously as a part of our everyday lives.

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend just stopping, closing your eyes and taking a breath. One single breath. And see how you feel after. And if it feels good, take another. Then find the moments in your day where you can use it.

Taking a breath with you now.


To find out more about Laura, take a look at her profile in Practitioners Corner

Yes, breathwork can significantly improve focus and concentration. Techniques like box breathing or alternate nostril breathing are particularly effective for improving focus. Early in my Breathwork journey I was gifted with a Breathwork practice specifically for focus and concentration – I call it the Genius Genie, and you’ll find it in the section on Breathwork techniques. The Genius Genie aside, regular practice of Breathwork can lead to cumulative benefits, enhancing overall cognitive performance over time.

  1. Oxygen boost: Increased oxygen to the brain can enhance cognitive function.
  2. Stress reduction: Lowering stress levels helps clear mental fog.
  3. Mindfulness training: Focusing on breath trains attention and reduces mind-wandering.
  4. Autonomic nervous system regulation: Balancing the nervous system can improve mental clarity.
  5. Energy management: Certain techniques can increase alertness and combat fatigue.
  6. Reduced anxiety: Less anxiety often leads to better concentration.
  7. Improved brain wave patterns: Some practices may promote brain waves associated with focus.
  8. Mind-body connection: Enhanced body awareness can lead to better overall focus.
  9. Rhythmic patterns: Some breathing techniques create a rhythm that aids concentration.
  10. Break from digital stimuli: Breathwork provides a mental reset, especially beneficial in our tech-saturated world.