
reiki master


Where did you complete your training (or where are you still in training)?

I am a trainee Breathwork Facilitator, expecting to graduate my 10 month training in December 2024, Shakti Tracy is my teacher. I’ve got quite a busy practice at the moment. Things are really building up and i’m so excited after having spent 4 years rebuilding my life after having to leave my teaching career.

What do you enjoy about breathwork and how has it helped you?

Oooooo where to begin. It is something we all do – the only system in our body that is both automatic and we can control. It impacts so much on every aspect of our physical and mental well being. The science of the breath astounds me and the woo-woo aspect delights me. I’ve moved mountains – ancestral, generational and childhood trauma. It has enabled me to find me after a very traumatic and life changing injury 4 years ago when i was a teacher. It has give me a new lease of life.

Are you trained in any other modalities?

Im a Master level qualified teacher with 25 years experience working in trauma informed edication settings. Im a qualified Forest Bathing guide. A Reiki Master A qualfied counsellor and art therapist. Im wanting tolearn more about IFS and Spinal Energetics

How do they integrate with breathwork?

All of life integrates with Breathwork! Using my skills and vast experience in teaching and leading, i can not only guide and support using Breathwork to enable and enhance others but i can teach them how to do this for themselves. Through my person centred approach, im happy to coach women along their journey with the breath and help them integrate this into their everyday lives. Im a huge advocate for the poer of nature in our lives and encourage participation in our stunning natural landscapes to drop into themselves and find what they need in the expansive magic we lives amongst. Reiki is a huge part of everything i do in life as everything, including us, is energy and supporting people to vibrate on a frequency that is right for them is such a huge honour.

What is your personal journey?

From a wild youth – raving, partying, being dysregulated and forever searching from some inner peace but constantly self sabotaging, i learnt how to soothe my soul about 12 years ago when I admitted to myself i have some deeply ungrained trauma issue that I hadn’t faced into, even though I had always thought i had. My constant addictions – be in booze, weed, recreational drugs, Horlicks or shopping made me see how much my inner child was searching for something. I became a mum at 18 – was barely an adult myself and i always felt like i was playing ‘catch up’ with life. so at 38 (and 1 divorce and 2 more kids later) I stepped away from the party scene (that my present hubby and i were part of) and took the bold move to work on myself. I was a teacher – teaching in SEND schools and colleges and i felt like i was in a rat race but the money was needed so i combine my own self healing journey with a very busy wife, mum, career woman lifestyle. In 2020, just after the pandemic, when schools returned, i got badly injured in my classroom by a student which led to 2 spinal surgeries and a should surgery. This ended my teaching career abruptly causing great pain and loss. Whilst i was worn out trying to do it all, id worked very hard in my single parent years to get my life on track and was very proud of my Masters level education and my career. I loved all of the students i had worked with and the loss of all of this was hard. In the 4 years since that happened, I’ve had to learn to live with lifelong disability, a lot of pain and a huge amount of upheaval. My tagline, however, about all of this is….’My spine will never be aligned but as a result of that day – my life is now aligned’ Having the time and space to truly…like really ‘do the work’ and start to fully heal has been priceless. Along that journey of rediscovering who i was always meant to be, i came across Conscious Connected Breathwork and it blew me away. Last year, after my 2nd spinal surgery, i signed up to the 10 month coaching training with Breathing Space and my personal and professional transformation has been incredible. I really feel like I’ve found my thing and i want to gift the world the knowledge of what the breath can do for everyone.

What do you stand for, and what do you stand against?

I stand for women – all women everywhere. My aim in life is to be the woman i needed in my younger years. I want to support, guide, stand alongside women working through their own journeys and be there to watch them find the tools to rise. I stand against injustice, hatred, mean behaviour and those that make it their mission to belittle others.

What is your greatest wish for your clients

My wish for them is that they find their ‘thing’. The thing that makes their hearts sing and souls glow.

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