Get the most from your body by understanding the highs and lows of your hormone cycle. On the first day of your period, start recording your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and bodily changes. Track your cycle to understand yourself better, know when to rest and where you are more likely to feel ready to reach for some goals.

- Do you feel unable to complete certain tasks at different times of your cycle?
- Are you taken over by feelings and are not sure how best to cope with them?
- Do you become irritable, lack focus and have difficulty sleeping?
- Read on to find out why and what you can do about it.
There is a pattern to hormone fluctuation in each cycle, however every individual will release and metabolise different amounts, meaning variation between individual’s sensitivity to the effects of each hormone. Factors such as sleep, diet and lifestyle will also affect the release and effect of hormones in individuals. Understanding and learning better breathing techniques can improve many systems of the body and help to combat some of the symptoms associated with ‘hormone hangovers’, PMS and even peri-meno-pause and menopause symptoms.
Oestrogen is responsible for thickening the lining of the uterus in preparation for ovulation. Vaginal discharge can be watery and stretchy. Oestrogen supports brain, heart and lung health by maintaining good blood flow, keeping serotonin, endorphin and cholesterol levels regular. It assists the hypothalamus in regulating body temperature and supports the body in muscle mass and recovery. It also helps to balance bacteria in the gut.
Oestrogen may make you feel more confident and capable, encouraging your ‘inner cheerleader’ to come out and take some risks or reach for some goals.
When oestrogen levels are low this could be associated with feelings of clumsiness, lack of motivation, as well as dysregulated mood and body temperature.
Progesterone is responsible for preparing the lining of the uterus to hold and grow a fertilised egg. Vaginal discharge can be more white and sticky. When an egg is not fertilised, progesterone decreases, and the lining breaks away and sheds (bleed). Progesterone supports thyroid function and increases metabolic rate which can increase heart and breathing rate, appetite and body temperature. It can also increase oil production in skin
Progesterone may make you feel calm and relaxed as it lowers blood pressure. It also has a sleep promoting effect.
When progesterone levels are low you may feel a little more anxious, low mood and decreased tolerance to pain and perception of breathlessness.

Period phase – from day 1 of the bleed when both hormones are low, may lead to feelings of fatigue, pain, low motivation and mood. It is important during this phase to keep some gentle movement throughout the body to assist with pain and low mood.
Follicular phase – during this part of the cycle we may feel more emotionally resilient and capable of more high intensity exercise.
Luteal phase – higher levels of both hormones may be responsible for higher stress responses and higher breathing and heart rates.
Pre-menstrual phase – as hormone levels start to decline, ‘hormone hangover’ symptoms may creep in such as bloating, anxiety, lack of concentration, tiredness.
The best way to understand how hormones affect you and your body, is to track your cycle. This will help understand your needs throughout the peri and menopause years too.

How can breathing help with symptoms of hormone changes?
Nasal breathe. Breathing through the nose means you are filtering the air before it enters your body, utilising the body’s natural line of defence against toxins and allergens. Nasal breathing engages the diaphragm more fully, utilising the full range of breathing mechanics. Breathing through the nose creates some resistance and reminds us to breathe less.
Breathe light – breathing less increases carbon dioxide in the body. CO2 is essential in releasing oxygen from the blood to be transported to other cells in need, optimising oxygen delivery around the body.
Breathe slow – reducing the number of breaths per minute improves heart rate variability (HRV) and our body’s stress responses. Breathing slowly improves gas exchange in the lungs. Breathe in for 4 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds.
Breathe deep – breathing low into your lungs is what is meant by taking a deep breath, not necessarily a big, oversized breath. Breathing low into the body, filling the lungs from the bottom up. You should feel the bottom ribs move out to the side.
20 minutes of light, slow and deep breathing per day can bring you;
a calmer mind more resilient stress levels
deeper sleep better focus
higher CO2 tolerance better oxygen delivery to cells, muscles and organs
Improved circulation improved digestion
Decreased pain perception better vagal tone
Reduced breathlessness less back and neck pain/tension
Get in touch to understand more about how your breathing can affect your overall health. Get 121
in-person or online guidance on how to improve your familiar but possibly dysfunctional breathing patterns. Learn how to ‘Breathe A-Gain with Dot’…
Sources of information:
Jennis | Changing the world of women’s hormonal
The Female Body Bible, 2023
Breathe A-Gain with Dot
To find out more about Dot, take a look at her profile in Practitioners Corner